Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Hopefully you have decided to support the cause and contribute in some way. Things can become rather expensive very quickly when doing it alone, but it's an amazing feeling to make someone smile so I pray to continue. Whether your contribution is as a hair company, stylist, sponsor, or one time donation your assistance is greatly appreciated. This is a volunteer service and organization affliation only, there is no compensation. However, The HairbySh'rae Experience does offer some amazing inscentives for donating. All information will be sent in detail via email once your application is received and reviewed.
One Time Donations are as follows:
Bronze Dontation: $2.00, $4.00, $6.00, $8.00, or $10.00
Silver Dontation: $20.00, $25.00, $35.00, $40.00, $45.00
Gold Donation: $50.00, $75.00, $100.00
Anything higher would be considered a sponsor donation*
All bronze one time donations receive a $25 gift card good toward any service offered by Sh'rae. All silver one time donations receive a $50 gift card good toward any service offered by Sh'rae. Gold donations will receive detailed information regarding their rewards via email once their information is received.
Please include whether or not you would like your name and donation amount published on our website and social media platforms in the note section.
One time dontations can be made by clicking the following link: